Monday, September 17, 2012

The Antidote fall season

After a four week hiatus The Antidote returns for the fall season on Trent Radio. I had a great summer touring both Canada and the US, checking out different bands at a wide variety of venues and music festivals. It wasn't just great hearing new music, it was also great to sit down with a number of artists who shared with The Antidote some of the details of their band's experiences.
  • What kind of music does the hardcore band, August Burns Red, really enjoy?
  • Why is Leanor Ortega Till, sax player of Five Iron Frenzy, better known as "Jeff the Girl"
  • Is the band The La De Les really under the influence?
  • What does War of Ages do when only 20 people are in attendance at a show?
  • Why did Ravenhill choose the name of British evangelist for their band?
  • Why does Ilia not like girl bands?
Those and other life change questions will be asked and answered on future dates on The Antidote. Dial in 92.7 FM in the Peterborough, ON area each Wednesday night from 9 - 10. Stream online at  Find recordings of past episodes of The Antidote at

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