Friday, December 21, 2012
Goodbye from Hello Kelly
Sad new from Orangeville, ON/Nashville TN based Hello Kelly. Lead vocalist, Francy, had this to say on their website:
Hello Kelly is, for lack of a more elegant phrase, “closing up shop.” This wasn’t a quick or easy decision; we came to it with lots of struggle, resistance and sadness. I - Francy, the singer - wanted to write this letter for those who wanted a more in-depth, heartfelt and no-BS explanation. You deserve it!
I started Hello Kelly in 2004, when I was 19, recording the first EP when I should have been studying. I remember within the first year, we were ordering a new batch of EPs every couple months because they were selling so fast. We’d play shows all over Southern & Central Ontario and see kids singing along - songs like Paper Bag Princess, The Perfect Place and Favourite Arcade. It was awesome.
By the time 2006 rolled around, we started having frequent member changes. This was mostly because not many people can live in the underpaid limbo between part-time musician and full-time musician forever. Can’t blame them! Some got jobs, others got married. Hello Kelly soldiered on.
In 2007, the thriving indie scene that we’d come up in was starting to dissolve; most of the bands we’d toured with for years were starting to break up. It was a mix of relentless perseverance and blind stubbornness that kept us going. We developed the reputation of a band that “you need to see live” and starting playing some bigger festivals & conferences. On a trip to Nashville, TN, we met with a record label and started a new chapter – one we hoped would bring new opportunities.
We released our first LP on that indie label in 2008. We made some beautiful memories in the 2 years spent touring and promoting that project. Unfortunately, that was about the time that the shifts and changes in the music industry really began to manifest, and we found ourselves committed to an old-school agreement in a new world. Good people, good intentions. Bad timing.
It was about that time that everybody in the line-up quit, and I decided to make a big, bold change – I moved to Nashville, TN to start work on Hello Kelly’s 2nd LP. I “rebooted” the band and started making my big, bulletproof plans to take over the USA! (Please, note the sarcasm!)
But working with the new line-up in Nashville – Ben & Travis – something unexpected happened: For the first time, I felt like I was part of a collaborative, cohesive & adventurous project. It was a subtle difference, but it was intoxicating.
We released the 2nd album in 2011 and toured it for a year. The scenery was different. We played bars and clubs, no more big conferences. It was a fun challenge having to learn how to win over a different kind of crowd. Through all this touring though, something was happening. We couldn't put our finger on it, but every show started to feel less and less like Hello Kelly, more and more like … something else.
We wanted to see what we had. We wanted to record. The label couldn't help, so we launched a Kickstarter, promising music that was “more passionate, raw and provocative than anything Hello Kelly had ever done.” At the time, we thought we had Hello Kelly songs. Heck, we told you guys that we had Hello Kelly songs! But the more we worked on them, laboured on them, wrestled with them, we had to accept that this was Hello Kelly no longer.
Confused and a little overwhelmed, we talked to a friend who had contributed to our Kickstarter campaign. We told him where the band was at and he said, “Look, we just want to hear you guys keep making music. Change whatever you need to, take however much time you need – we’ll all be waiting.”
Closing this chapter is about putting away old mindsets. It’s about feeling the freedom of a new beginning, a clear horizon – we think the music will be better for it! The hardest part about all thisis that we don’t really know what’s next or even what it will look like! There’s one thing we do know though - we’re not done creating! And we think that’s exciting.
Some of you probably discovered our music by seeing us play at a church or hearing us on Christian radio. As we get older and chase authenticity, some of the things we’re writing about are no longer strictly G-rated – and we want to be up-front about that. Does that mean we’re no longer pursuing the Lord? If anything, we’re pursuing Him more. His guidance played a huge part in this transition and we’re waiting on Him daily for direction and clarity. Once our upcoming record is released, we’ll have fulfilled our record deal. Whatever the future holds, we’re moving forward with sure feet and renewed purpose.
Some of you might think Hello Kelly is closing up shop because we never reached the level of success we wanted. Sure, there was a season when I got a little obsessed with being famous, but I’m so glad I found freedom from that because now I see that it’s a mountain with no summit. The best advice I can give anybody who’s “trying to make it” is to relax & enjoy yourself. If you’re forcing it, you’re doing it wrong.
It has been an incredible 9-year ride and I’m so, so thankful for all the friendships we’ve built with all of you. The support you’ve given us over the years – not to mention the patience you’ve shown us through the tough times – has been incredible. I’m grateful to all of the guys I’ve shared the stage with over the years, all the memories we shared. Ben and Travis especially ...
So it’s with a heavy heart and a sly little smirk that I say “Goodbye Kelly” for the first time. It’s a first-time feeling that I won’t soon forget, but the future is bright!
See you soon,
Listen to the Nov 16, 2011 broadcast of The Antidote with Hello Kelly
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Show 58 - The Antidote - The Christmas Show That Almost Didn't Happen
Check out "The Christmas Show That Almost Didn't Happen". Only hours before heading to Trent Radio, I received a phone call that the station server was down: there would be no live programming that night. I admit that I was disappointed. As a Christian programmer, I wanted to offer an evening of old and new Christmas seasonal favourites. The show you'll hear was pieced together on the computer. We didn't want you to miss celebrating Christ's birth with The Antidote!
Listen to or download The Christmas Show That Almost Didn't Happen broadcast from The Antidote
Find all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
The Antidote and the rest of the programmers at Trent Radio are taking a break over the holidays. The Antidote will return January 9, 2013. We will be sending some scratchiness over the airwaves as we play some old vinyl on the twin turntables at Trent Radio. It may not be as polished a show as you are used to, but it will be a lot of fun.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Show 57 - The Antidote - The End is the Beginning
The Antidote joined Trent Radio on December 12, 2012 to celebration the upcoming apocalypse. This special broadcast was entitled, The End is the Beginning.
Being a Christian, my viewpoint was significantly different than many of the other programs offered that day. Listen in as my co-host Abram and I share some thoughts on the end times. We also offered up a number of songs dealing with the end of the world from a number of Christian artists.
Listen to or download The End is the Beginning broadcast from The Antidote
Find all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
On December 19th The Antidote is tuned up for Christmas with some old favourites and new seasonal songs. Leave your Grinchiness behind and join The Antidote for our celebration of Christ's birth.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
White Collar Sideshow - The WitcHunt review
The band has taken their unique performances to a whole new level with a recording and video loosely based on the seven deadly sins. This 2 disc release contains both the music CD and The WitcHunt film.
Audibly and visually stunning, The WitcHunt is also graphic and disturbing. The album and film take the listener/viewer through the pitfalls found in our modern society as it uses the seven deadly sins as the basis of The WitcHunt.
The WitcHunt is an eye-opener for those who are used to the more refined and "correct" music released by the majority of Christian artists.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Flatfoot 56 "I Believe It" video
Regulars to this site are well aware of how much I enjoy the Celtic punk of Flatfoot 56. They remain as one of the greatest of live bands. Their new video,"I Believe It", shows Flatfoot 56 in a much mellower slant than their regular performances. Enjoy.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Antidote - Show 56 - Photoside Cafe
The Antidote is joined by Naph Marshall and Matt Gadeken of Photoside Cafe. We talk about their string driven alternative rock, their upcoming album, and the relevancy of contemporary Christian music.
Listen to or download The Antidote with Photoside Cafe
Find all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
The December 12th broadcast of The Antidote will take on a whole new flair. My normally silent co-host, Abram, will joining me in conversation as we discuss the approaching apocalypse. Trent Radio is celebrating the end of the world (according to interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar) and The Antidote will be joining in. Check out the show as we present both Christian and secular perspectives on the final days.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
The Antidote - Show 55 - Metanoia, International artists
The Antidote searched the planet for some exceptional international bands to air on this week's show. Benjamin Lopez of the skate punk band, Metanoia from Temuco, Chile joined The Antidote.
We had a great conversation, discussing both their music, their ministry, and the state of punk music.
Listen to or download The Antidote with Metanoia
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Join The Antidote December 5th as we chat with Naph Marshall and Matt Gadeken of Photoside Cafe. We talk about their alt rock, string driven music and the relevancy of contemporary Christian music.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Antidote - Show 54 - Mutemath
The Antidote spends time covering the extraordinary band, Mutemath. This genre defying band has been on the road and in the studio generating some incredible music since 2006. Listen in to this weeks show as The Antidote spends some time in conversation with lead vocalist and keyboardist Paul Meaney of Mutemath.
Listen to or download The Antidote with Mutemath
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
O. C. Supertones "For The Glory" album review
The Orange County Supertones' original band members, reunited back in 2010 and played a handful of shows. March of 2012 saw die-hard fans wishes fulfilled, as The Supertones announced their plans to try and fund a new album through Kickstarter.
I admit that I had some degree of apprehension in the months leading to the album release. The entire music scene has radically changed during the years between The O. C. Supertones last album and For The Glory. Would The Supertones change as well? That apprehension was erased upon my first listen to For The Glory. The new release has delivered to dedicated followers a faith filled, ska extravaganza. The same type of sound that put The O. C. Supertones at the top of Christian ska craze at the turn of the century. The Supertones borrowed the great guitar skills of Josh Auer of PAX 217 fame as both producer and guitarist on For The Glory. His talents, in both roles, shines through. The band also dished out a few musical surprises on the new album.
"All the Way Alive" is the blockbuster opener on For The Glory. Matt "Mojo" Morginsky's vocals fill the listener in as to why the Supertones reunited and why they perform.
"We do it for the love, we do it for the Lord, we do it for the people cause they want some MORE! We do it for the fame of the Most High, so come on inside and get all the way ALIVE!""For the Glory", the title track from the new album. Why read about it when you can see and hear it? Check out the video.
"Hey Hey Hey" with Mojo providing a staccato rap vocal delivery on this light and bright tune.
Mojo sends out a tribute to important women in his life, his mother, daughter, and sister on "Far More Beautiful". The lyrics directed to his mother struck home with me.
"Mother, you're still a pretty girl"Down to the River" lyrically takes you back to the style of song you may have learned in Sunday School in your younger years (albeit, this time with catchier beat).
Your arms surround the world with your embrace
Mother I see your wisdom
Your tears and laughter
in the lines on your lovely face
and your children, one by one, will rise and call you "blessed"
and all heaven will applaud as you enter to your rest"
The worshipful song "All Glory" should be added to your worship leaders repertoire. Go ahead and ask, you might be surprised!
"It's a Good Day to Be from California" has the band sending a lyrical accolade to their home state with a fun pop, surf rock vibe.
"Warmth of the Sun" is one of the oddities on For The Glory, as the band delves into an acoustic, folk sound reminiscent of '60's folk artists.
"On the Downbeat" was the teaser track for the new album and the catchiest song on the album. this track is guaranteed to have you singing along.
"Fight On" draws out some of the punk edged ska that The Supertones have offered up over the years as the lyrics equate our modern world to the ancient days of Babylon.
"Pretty Little Lie" recounts the emptiness in Mojo's past and the fulfillment he received in Christ.
When I was 21, I was young, I was dumb and successful
I had a new hit record and a pretty little thing on my arm
It was all I’d ever wanted I was ready to feel fantastic
but every single night when I would step on that stage and perform
with every breath I felt emptiness
Another of the surprises by The Supertones with a mandolin opening for "The Wise and the Fool". The refrain taken directly from Joshua 24 "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".
Album number eleven for The Supertones, For The Glory, offers a greatest focus on Christ and His Kingdom than any of The O. C. Supertones previous releases. Perhaps this is most clearly defined by the band themselves in the lyrics of the title track as Mojo sings:
"I believe in a God that’s listeningSimply put, this is an outstanding album for ska lovers such as myself and for those who are new to this revitalized genre, by the masters of the ska craft, The O.C. Supertones. Grab a copy of For The Glory and start skankin', ska is back!
I believe in a truth worth telling"
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Antidote - Show 53 - The O.C. Supertones and others
The Antidote returned after a one week break for special programming on Trent Radio. This episode of The Antidote delivered a featurette on The O.C. Supertones. The reunited Supertones released their new album, For The Glory, Nov 6th and The Antidote aired a number of excellent ska tunes from this album. Also included is an interview with Tony Terusa of The O.C. Supertones.
Listen in for a number of tracks from other artists such as, Thrice, Fields of Industry, and Josh Garrells.
Wednesday, November 21st The Antidote spends time covering the extraordinary band, Mutemath. You'll also hear an interview with lead vocalist and keyboardist Paul Meaney of Mutemath.
Listen to or download The Antidote with The O.C Supertones.
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
La De Les video
The most incredible band I've been introduced to during the past year is the La De Les. I had the opportunity to see them perform twice at the Cornerstone music festival. The crowd response each time was staggering, with people calling for not simply an encore, but a whole set. Check out this video to see what kind of talent rests in the La De Les.
La De Les - Audiotree Live from Audiotree Live on Vimeo.
La De Les - Audiotree Live from Audiotree Live on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Archie foretells the future
An Archie comic from 1972 in which he time-travels to 2012. How close is this to reality? (Credit Tom Zillich)
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Antidote - Show 52 - Showbread feature (part 2)
![]() |
Showbread 2012 from |
The Antidote returned on Halloween with the conclusion of the feature on the raw rock band Showbread. Listen in to more of the conversation The Antidote had with headman and lead vocalist, Josh Dies and Showbread's music.
A special Halloween song was added at the very end of the show. Send an email to with the name of the artist and the song title.
Next Wednesday The Antidote is preempted for special programming on Trent Radio. Tune in on the following Wednesday, November 14th, as The Antidote returns.
Listen to or download The Antidote with Josh Dies and Showbread (part 2)
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Antidote - Show 51 - Showbread feature (part 1)
Josh Dies in Toronto 2006 |
Showbread headman and lead vocalist, Josh Dies joined The Antidote for an insightful interview. We also aired a number of tracks of their outstanding music. We ran through some of Showbread's discography which illustrates their tremendous lyrical and musical style as Josh describes the development of their albums and some interesting facets of this unique band.
Next Wednesday is part two of the feature on Showbread and more of the interview with Josh Dies.
Listen to or download The Antidote with Josh Dies and Showbread (part 1)
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Everything in Slow Motion "Red" video
I've always enjoyed the ambient hardcore of Hands. If you're a fan as well, check out the progression of Shane Ochsner and the new band, Everything In Slow Motion. The new sound could be likened to Sigur Rós and Listener meet Norma Jean.
Conceptualized by Hands’ front man Shane Ochsner in early 2012, Everything In Slow Motion has now released a limited edition 7″ called Red. Even as a two-song release, Red promises to take the listener on an emotional expedition. Ochsner bares his soul through his lyrics and gives some insight into the new songs here:
Conceptualized by Hands’ front man Shane Ochsner in early 2012, Everything In Slow Motion has now released a limited edition 7″ called Red. Even as a two-song release, Red promises to take the listener on an emotional expedition. Ochsner bares his soul through his lyrics and gives some insight into the new songs here:
"After working on “Give Me Rest” for Hands, I realized I wasn't ready to throw in the towel yet. Spending most of the writing and recording process alone was the most therapeutic way of working through my issues with my faith. And I realized that as human beings, I think it’s our job to be our brothers’ keepers, because even with the tiniest effort, you can drastically change the course of another person’s life.
The song “Red” is the most powerful song I think I have ever written. It was written to try to encourage people to be better. The fact that people can be abused, abandoned, and robbed of ever having unconditional love in their life and still grow up to be some of the most loving and kind hearted people blows me away. Everyone out there has a story or a road that was traveled to put them exactly where they are today. We live in a broken world, with broken people. But each of us has the power to restore hope within someone else".- Facedown Records
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The Antidote - Show 50 - Mixed bag of music
Abram joined me, once again, in the studio of Trent Radio for this weeks installment of The Antidote. We offered up another night of eclectic music.
Fathers were made to disappoint their children. Listen in as Abram recounts how he missed a great concert experience in Toronto. We also aired one of the longest tracks in my music collection with the 14 minute song "Cleanse Me" from O'Brother. The variety of styles and bands will definitely hold your interest.
Showbread headman and lead vocalist Josh Dies joins The Antidote next week with an insightful interview and you'll have the opportunity to listen to their outstanding music. We'll be running through some of Showbread's discography which illustrates their tremendous lyrical and musical style.
Listen to or download The Antidote and a mixed bag of music.
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Extraordinary Mutemath
Back in 2007 Alternative Press stated “this is the #1 band you need to see live before you die". That statement still holds true. Mutemath delivers an incredible live performance. I've seen several hundred bands perform live, but very few are able to reach this kind of level.
Paul Meany is outstanding with his unique vocals. His talents on the keys are put to use with five keyboards, a Hammond organ, and even a keytar are all put to use. Darren King is an amazing drummer, who is kept at the front of the stage instead of the traditional position of being tucked behind the band. Bass player, Roy Mitchell-Cardenas gives a relatively subdued, but at the same time, powerful performance. Newcomer, Steve Gummerman has replaced the departed Greg Hill as guitarist for Mutemath.
I had a chance to sit down with Paul Meany prior to the show to discuss the past, present and future of Mutemath. He gave a number of insights as to what Mutemath is all about. I'll be airing that interview on The Antidote as part of one hour show that will focus on this amazing band.
For now, here are a few photos I took of Mutemath at their September 25th concert at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto.
If those photos aren't enough, watch this video of Break the Same by Mutemath live at The Tabernacle Theatre in Atlanta, GA during their Fall 2009 Armistice Tour.
Break the Same by Mutemath live at The Tabernacle Theatre in Atlanta, GA during their Fall 2009 Armistice Tour.
Paul Meany is outstanding with his unique vocals. His talents on the keys are put to use with five keyboards, a Hammond organ, and even a keytar are all put to use. Darren King is an amazing drummer, who is kept at the front of the stage instead of the traditional position of being tucked behind the band. Bass player, Roy Mitchell-Cardenas gives a relatively subdued, but at the same time, powerful performance. Newcomer, Steve Gummerman has replaced the departed Greg Hill as guitarist for Mutemath.
I had a chance to sit down with Paul Meany prior to the show to discuss the past, present and future of Mutemath. He gave a number of insights as to what Mutemath is all about. I'll be airing that interview on The Antidote as part of one hour show that will focus on this amazing band.
For now, here are a few photos I took of Mutemath at their September 25th concert at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto.
Paul Meaney on keytar |
Steve Gummerman, guitarist |
A snowstorm of confetti falls on the capacity crowd |
Roy Mitchell-Cardenas - bass |
Paul Meany's famous headstand on the organ |
Drummer, Darren King with part of his drum kit played atop the organ |
Mutemath's huge 21 song setlist |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Theocracy "Hide in the Fairytale" video
Power metal is sometimes referred to as "old metal". Far from it, power metal is alive and vibrant. Check out this great video from Theocracy, who remain as one of the best in the genre. "Hide in the Fairytale" is included on their album As The World Bleeds.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Antidote - Show 49 - Ravenhill
This past summer I had the chance to see Ravenhill on stage at the Cornerstone festival. Joshua Clifton, lead vocalist and founder of Ravenhill, spent some time with The Antidote discussing the band and their music.
Listen in to the band Ravenhill on the recording of this week's broadcast and their unique and passionate blend of soul, rock, and gospel. An unusual sound and an extraordinary band.
Next week, Abram will be joining me in the studio as we offer up another night of eclectic music. You'll also be hearing one of the longest songs in my music collection.
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring Ravenhill
Collect any or all of The Antidote broadcasts at iTunes
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Ravenhill feature on The Antidote
This coming Wednesday Oct. 10 at 9, Ravenhill will be our featured artist. Named after the well known pastor Leonard Ravenhill, this Nashville, Tennessee band offers up an unusual sound that is all their own. Blending influences of punk, gospel, jazz, blues, grunge, indie, hard-core, soul, and classic rock to create their unique music.
You'll have a chance to hear what this band is all about on Wednesday night at 9 on Trent Radio 92.7 FM Peterborough. Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
As I was setting up this week's show I happened upon a vidcast from Ravenhill featuring their performance at the Cornerstone festival and a portion of the interview I had with Joshua Clifton, lead vocalist of Ravenhill. Check it out.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Antidote on iTunes
All of the recordings of The Antidote radio shows are now on iTunes and available for free streaming or download. If you've ever missed an episode or simply enjoyed one particular show or artist, you can now have the recording for your very own. The most current show recording is found at the top of the list. Best of all it's free!
Follow the link below to access The Antidote on iTunes and become a subscriber so that you listen in.
The Antidote on iTunes
The Antidote - Show 48 - August Burns Red
I was delighted to be able to see August Burns Red during their concert date in London, Ontario a couple of weeks ago. Even better was having the opportunity to sit down with Jacob Luhrs, lead vocalist.for this amazing band. This week The Antidote shares some of the discography of August Burns Red interspersed with segments of the conversation with Jacob Luhrs. For metal fans this will be a treat, for non-metal fans this is your chance to hear why ABR is considered one of the top metal band's in the world.
Next week on The Antidote, listen in to the band Ravenhill with their unique and passionate blend of soul, rock, and gospel. An unusual sound and an extraordinary band.
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring August Burns Red
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
FLTF release "Daydreamer" video
I met FLTF (formerly From Love To Forfeit) as we were standing in the lineup for lunch at GMA week/Covenant Awards last fall in Calgary. We talked music as we were waiting to be served. The band members filled me in on what they were tyring to achieve as a band. Later they gave me a CD containing some of the songs from their upcoming release AS LIONS. After seeing a homemade CD with song titles handwritten on a piece of paper stuffed into the jewel case, I wasn't expecting much. I was wrong, dead wrong. FLTF is a hard-hitting synth-pop quintet that redefines the standards for Christian rock pop.
A new EP is on the way from FLTF Daydreamer, is due out later this fall. According to Ash Militsala, lead vocalist, guitar and synth player of FLTF:
A new EP is on the way from FLTF Daydreamer, is due out later this fall. According to Ash Militsala, lead vocalist, guitar and synth player of FLTF:
For a taste of what's to come, the band released their "Daydreamer" video today."This EP is the release that totally defines our musical writing style, and genre. From R&B styled vocals over slamming beats that force you to dance, to sweetly sung falsetto lines over progressions that'll stick in your head for days, this release is really going to surprise people and capture even more attention. We've taken everything regarding the music, and even image of the band, and have taken it to this futuristic style fused with today's pop culture."
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Antidote - Show 47 - The La De les
This past July I attended the Cornerstone Festival in Illinois where I saw the highlight of the summer. I happened to chance upon a performance by The La De Les. It was simply incredible. This ambient, shoe gaze, experimental band sounds like no other. Teh La De Les offer up a musical style that is uniquely their own.
We spend an hour with The La De Les in both music and conversation as we discover the details of this amazing band.
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring The La De Les
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
We spend an hour with The La De Les in both music and conversation as we discover the details of this amazing band.
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring The La De Les
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Antidote - Show 46 - Year 2 !
The Antidote has had a birthday! Yes, this the second year of The Antidote where we play "Christian music that doesn't suck", dispelling the myth that Christian music is second-rate. The Antidote endeavours to display the artistry of Christian musicians. Followers of this blog are well aware that I spent most of my free time and holidays this summer attending Christian music festivals such as Cornerstone and Soulfest. I was also able to visit a number of clubs where Christian bands performed.
The first show of the fall season is a celebration of the diversity of Christian rock. Once again we cover the breadth of styles that The Antidote is noted for airing. Punk, hardcore, ambient rock, alternative rock, and shoegaze are all included. Listen up and enjoy the mix!
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring yet another eclectic blend of music as we celebrate our first anniversary.
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
The first show of the fall season is a celebration of the diversity of Christian rock. Once again we cover the breadth of styles that The Antidote is noted for airing. Punk, hardcore, ambient rock, alternative rock, and shoegaze are all included. Listen up and enjoy the mix!
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring yet another eclectic blend of music as we celebrate our first anniversary.
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Antidote fall season
After a four week hiatus The Antidote returns for the fall season on Trent Radio. I had a great summer touring both Canada and the US, checking out different bands at a wide variety of venues and music festivals. It wasn't just great hearing new music, it was also great to sit down with a number of artists who shared with The Antidote some of the details of their band's experiences.
- What kind of music does the hardcore band, August Burns Red, really enjoy?
- Why is Leanor Ortega Till, sax player of Five Iron Frenzy, better known as "Jeff the Girl"
- Is the band The La De Les really under the influence?
- What does War of Ages do when only 20 people are in attendance at a show?
- Why did Ravenhill choose the name of British evangelist for their band?
- Why does Ilia not like girl bands?
Those and other life change questions will be asked and answered on future dates on The Antidote. Dial in 92.7 FM in the Peterborough, ON area each Wednesday night from 9 - 10. Stream online at Find recordings of past episodes of The Antidote at
Friday, September 14, 2012
Metanoia - Retroceder Nunca album review
Followers of this blog and listeners to The Antidote realize that punk music is one of my favourite genres. I recently received a copy of Retroceder Nunca by the skate punk band Metanoia. The band is comprised of Benjamin Lopez (bass, lead vocals), Diego Rivera (lead guitar, backing vocals), Claudio Bolivar (rhythm guitar) and Cristobal Lopez (drums). Metanoia hails from Temuco, Chile and their album Retroceder Nunca is sung entirely in Spanish.
The band’s name Metanoia means the change in focus, mind and life brought about by Jesus. The title of the album, Retroceder Nunca, translates as "No Retreat".
This album grabs and holds you in it's grip from beginning to end. I've been playing the album over and over and I can't get enough of it. Solid playing and the great vocals of Benjamin Lopez set this album above the norm. I wish I could provide an opinion on the lyrics, but I am sadly uni-lingual. However I can vouch for the amazing abilities of this band. Metaonia claims Dogwood and Craig's Brother as influences. Personally I find a little MxPx thrown into the mix.
Top tracks include No Me Avergüenzo, where Metonia unexpectedly jumps from the skate punk vibe into jazz during the final minute of the song. The title track "Retroceder Nunca" is the outstanding single with a catchy beat that will be sure to please.
1. Evidente (3:55)
2. Retroceder Nunca (2:56)
3. Inútil (3:38)
4. Peluquero (3:40)
5. Día Nuevo (4:14)
6. Te Amo (3:31)
7. Este Es Tu Hogar (3:23)
8. Otra Dimensión (4:13)
9. No Me Avergüenzo (3:51)
10. Sin Palabras (3:17)
Pick up the album digitally at or the CD at
This is a safe bet if you're unsure about purchasing. Thumper Punk Records guarantees that you will love Metanoia’s album “Retroceder Nunca” or they will refund your money on digital downloads only, plus it's only $8.
The band’s name Metanoia means the change in focus, mind and life brought about by Jesus. The title of the album, Retroceder Nunca, translates as "No Retreat".
This album grabs and holds you in it's grip from beginning to end. I've been playing the album over and over and I can't get enough of it. Solid playing and the great vocals of Benjamin Lopez set this album above the norm. I wish I could provide an opinion on the lyrics, but I am sadly uni-lingual. However I can vouch for the amazing abilities of this band. Metaonia claims Dogwood and Craig's Brother as influences. Personally I find a little MxPx thrown into the mix.
Top tracks include No Me Avergüenzo, where Metonia unexpectedly jumps from the skate punk vibe into jazz during the final minute of the song. The title track "Retroceder Nunca" is the outstanding single with a catchy beat that will be sure to please.
1. Evidente (3:55)
2. Retroceder Nunca (2:56)
3. Inútil (3:38)
4. Peluquero (3:40)
5. Día Nuevo (4:14)
6. Te Amo (3:31)
7. Este Es Tu Hogar (3:23)
8. Otra Dimensión (4:13)
9. No Me Avergüenzo (3:51)
10. Sin Palabras (3:17)
Pick up the album digitally at or the CD at
This is a safe bet if you're unsure about purchasing. Thumper Punk Records guarantees that you will love Metanoia’s album “Retroceder Nunca” or they will refund your money on digital downloads only, plus it's only $8.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Downhere says "Farewell"
Hello friends,It is with many memories and deep feelings that we relay to you the decision we have made over the course of the last year. January 1st 2013 will mark the end of our traveling ministry for the foreseeable future.It has become very clear to us that this chapter of our journey, initiated by God, is drawing to a close. While we mourn the end of this season we also celebrate over a decade of ministry. It has been hard work and our families have paid a big price. The friends, songs, experiences, and lives changed as a result of hearing the truth of God’s love have sustained us through many years and miles.For those of you who know us well, you know that this is not a band break up. In fact, we are open to playing a select few shows or events in the future. After many years and miles spent together we have become a band of brothers who love each other dearly. There is not one single variable that has initiated this change; rather it would seem the same sovereign hand that has guided us together for this season is now leading us in different directions. We are grateful for the role you have played in our lives. Your encouragement and support over the years has carried us through thick and thin.We have always wanted to finish well. We believe that means finishing together, as a band… and that is what we are going to do. We are working on setting up a few wrap-up shows this fall – more information will be forthcoming as things get solidified.Sincerely,Jason, Marc, Glenn, & Jeremy
It's unfortunate that downhere never seemed to obtain the accolades that they so richly deserved. I've spoken with many professionals in the music industry regarding this band. All were of the same opinion, downhere was above and beyond what other Christina bands were producing. Lyrically and musically downhere was a unique and defining talent in the realm of Christian music.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The OC Supertones - For The Glory video
At the Soulfest music festival The OC Supertones offered up a song from their upcoming album. Check out this video of their live performance of "For The Glory".
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Project 86 releases Wait For The Siren today
Another epic moment in Christian rock history! Hard rock band, Project 86, releases their 8th studio album, Wait For the Siren today. You may have read the review I posted on the new album back a few weeks ago. Find out for yourself about the new Celtic influence P86 introduced on Wait for The Siren.
Listen to the stream of Wait For the Siren here
Wait for the Siren by P86 is available on iTunes
Listen to the stream of Wait For the Siren here
Wait for the Siren by P86 is available on iTunes
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Antidote - Show 45 - Project 86
I've been a long time fan of Project 86. The band had it's start as a rap/rock band back in 1996, progressing into their dedicated hard rock sound by the time they recorded their third album, Truthless Heroes on Atlantic Records. Wait For The Siren is the latest release for P86 and it holds some surprises for their fans. A new Celtic influence pervades the album as Schwab explores his ancestral roots.
You can read my review of Wait For The Siren here.
This recording of The Antidote covers much of the discography of Project 86 and features a number of songs from Wait For The Siren and many older favorites.
Listen to or download The Antidote featuring Andrew Schwab and Project 86
The Antidote is going on hiatus for a couple of weeks while the fall season and schedule at Trent Radio is being geared up. Be sure to check back to Christian Rock Files to find out when The Antidote will be broadcasting this fall.
Thanks to all the dedicated listeners (and downloaders) of The Antidote who have made this first year of broadcasting so worthwhile. If you have any suggestions or requests email The Antidote.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Punk for The Gospel Benefit Compilation
Punk for The Gospel Benefit
Thumper Punk Records and Caustic Fallout are
pleased to announce the release of the “Punk for The Gospel Benefit
Compilation”, a two volume compilation featuring songs donated by 42 bands to
raise money to support the work of foreign Missionaries from within the
Christian punk community. Missionary
families that will be supported by this compilation are those of Dave Emmerson
of The Old-timers and Aaron “Liberty” Wells of True Liberty. Of the 42 songs, there are 19 new or
previously unreleased songs, including the first song released by The Deal in 8
years, a live recording of an unreleased song from Call to Glory, and new
recordings by False Idle and The WAY, among many others.
The Emmerson family was originally based in Shotts, Scotland, United Kingdom, where Dave was involved in the punk scene doing promotions and played in the band Dragged Out. In September 2009, Dave and Vicki Emmerson answered God’s call to missionary work, and moved to Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa. The Emmerson family has been involved with various outreach ministries including programs at the Bergendal Primary School and Allandale Prison, as well as establishing a local chapter of Christian Skaters International. The entire family is also involved with Calvary Chapel Paarl Valley. Dave is the lead singer for The Old-timers.
The Wells family first became active in ministry in 2005 leading young adult ministries in their church. In 2008, Aaron and Bonnie Wells were called to be part of a church plant in Virginia. They served there for 3 years on the worship team and leading and coordination small group Bible studies. In 2009, they felt God call them to Missions. In January 2012, Aaron and Bonnie spent a few weeks there at El Jardin Segrado in the Orosi Valley of Costa Rica, doing medical clinics, seeing over 2,000 patients and sharing the gospel with them and ministering to the children. The Wells family is now serving at another new church plant in Virginia, and is raising funds to return to Costa Rica as full-time Missionaries in January 2013. Aaron is the drummer for True Liberty.
Volume 1 (in order of appearance) features The Old-timers, INFIRMITIES, Hippos of Doom, Dogwood, The Lonely Revolts, Flatfoot 56, Call to Glory, Platoon 1107, Grace & Thieves, Unshackled, The Hoax, Don't Get Bored, Gorilla Warfare, Government Hate Mail, Lust Control, uniSEF, The Social Threat, The Altar Billies, The Scurvies, Mason Summers, and The Shiny Darks.
Volume 2 features True Liberty, False Idle, The WAY, The Deal, Grave Robber, Jump Ship Quick, ABSOLVED, The Smiley Kids, The Kings Kids, Saint Hooligan, Praiser, Vincible, 100 Philistine Foreskins, Empty Tomb, Desiring Dead Flesh, Revolution Radio, Metanoia, Covenant, Craig’s Brother, Goodnight Wednesday, and 180 OUT.
Volumes 1 and 2 are available for purchase in CD format from the Thumper Punk Records webstore, and digital versions are available through iTunes, AmazonMP3 and the usual suspects. All praise and glory to Him.
Thumper Punk Records
** Shock Your Mom. Go to Church.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Antidote - Show 44 - Soulfest Memories
My wife, nephew, and I headed off to the White Mountains of New Hampshire for the Soulfest music festival just over a week ago. This was the second music festival I'd attended in the past 6 weeks. It was another long drive to see some great bands and artists.
The highlight of this festival was having both the reunited O. C. Supertones and Five Iron Frenzy perform back to back on Saturday night. To those who are unaware of these ska bands, it may be hard to understand the extreme nature of their fan base. I meet a couple of guys who had driven two days, non-stop, just to see Five Iron Frenzy perform.
This show features a number of bands that I was able to see perform at the annual Soulfest music festival.
Check out Soulfest Memories on The Antidote
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Soulfest Memories
This has been my summer of music festivals. First was the Cornerstone festival in Illinois just over a month ago. On Sunday my wife, nephew, and I returned from New Hampshire where we attended the Soulfest music festival. I was apprehensive about the weather for this event. Only two days prior to leaving, the forecast was calling for rain and/or thunderstorms each day. The Lord had other plans, bright sunshine and very warm days were the norm.
One of the joys of Christian music festivals is the diversity in styles of music. Here's a list of who I was able to enjoy:
One of the joys of Christian music festivals is the diversity in styles of music. Here's a list of who I was able to enjoy:
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Abel |
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Becoming The Archetype |
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Children 18:3 |
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Family Force 5 |
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Peter Furler, Paul Colman, and Phil Joel jamming |
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Going old school with Lost Dogs |
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Love and Death with
Brian "Head" Welch |
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Canadian band Manic Drive |
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The hip-hop of Rapture Ruckus |
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Dueling violins and guitars of Reilly |
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Switchfoot's amazing show |
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War of Ages |
The highlight of Soulfest was seeing two of the greatest ska bands of all time.
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Matt "Mojo" Morginsky of The O.C. Supertones |
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The insanity of Reese Roper with Five Iron Frenzy |
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Antidote - Show 43 - The Kings Kids / Thumper Punk Records
At the Cornerstone Festival I was able to meet up with The Kings Kids, a classic style punk band from Salinas, California. After a four day drive from California to Illinois, The Kings Kids arrived only an hour before they had to hit the stage. After a great, but wearying performance in the heat, the band took some time to spend with The Antidote and speak about their band and their music. The Kings Kids are on the roster of Thumper Punk Records, which delivers some awesome punk music. On this episode you'll be hearing a huge number of punk tracks (remember punk songs are short). All of the artists you'll be hearing can be found on the Thumper Punk Records label.
Check out The Kings Kids and Thumper Punk Records show heard on The Antidote
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
Check out The Kings Kids and Thumper Punk Records show heard on The Antidote
Live stream The Antidote Wednesday's from 9 - 10 EST here.
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